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Jainism, and Buddhism are contemporary religions and have a lot of similarities with Hinduism. Like Buddhism, Jainism, too, arose as a challenge to the Vedic and Brahman orthodoxy in the 6th century BC. It also rejected the caste systems.
The founder of the religion, Mahavira (Great Hero) was born in 599 BC near Patna in Bihar. This religion has survived in India for almost 2,500 years and is the only Sanskritic non-Hindu religion to have done so. Vardhman Mahavira was the 24th Tirthankar or the religious Guru of the Jains.
There are around 4.5 million Jains in India divided between two major sects, the Shvetambaras and the Digambaras. They are concentrated in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka, and there are thriving communities in larger cities like Ahmedabad and Bombay.

The name Jainism derives from the Sanskrit word ji (to conquer). According to Jain tradition, Mahavira is the 24th Tirthankar in a series of Tirthankars, stretching back through Parshva (the 23rd) to Rishabha. Rishabha, the first Tirthankara, is the original founder of Jainism, but very little is known of him. There is also very little historical evidence of the other Tirthankaras until Parshva, the 23rd Tirthankar, who died in the 8th century BC. Even Rishabha is only considered as the first Tirthankara in the current era; it is believed that there were an infinite number of Tirthankars before him, and there are an infinite number to come, although the next is not due for approximately 81,500 years.
Mahavira was born in a Kshatriya (warriors) family and his father was chief of the Nata clan. Mahavira is also called Nataputra (son of Nata). At the age of 28 he became an ascetic and meditated for a long time till he attained enlightenment. He preached the principles of Jainism for 30 years and died at Pavapuri (Bihar) in 527 BC.


Faith & Practices
Jainism perceives that everything, even the elements can experience physical and emotional feelings or have a soul, known as Jiva. Everything else, including the matter that embodies these souls, is classified as Ajiva. The next concept is Karma, which is considered to be a substance, subtle and invisible, yet material, which flows into and clogs the Jiva, if Hinsa (violence or harm) is done to another Jiva, causing the bondage of life and transmigration. This inflow can be stopped by penance and disciplined conduct, resulting in Moksha (liberation). This Karma is different from the abstract principle of the Hindu-Buddhist tradition. This karmic matter invades and attaches itself to the soul thus hiding the potential omniscience of the soul, causes it to be reborn in worse or better embodiments, depending on the amount and intensity accumulated.
Jains believe that Time is eternal and formless, world is infinite and never created by a diety and Space (akasha) is all pervasive and formless. According to Jains, there are many different worlds --- human, hellish and heavenly, into which a jiva may be reborn, life after life. Through the centre of the universe is the place for mobile souls where living beings, including men, animals, gods, and devils, live. Above the central region is the upper world of two parts; below it lies the lower world subdivided into seven tiers.
Jainism does not believe in a creator god. They believe in the doctrine of Ahimsa, or non-injury to all living creatures. That is why Jains are strictly vegetarian and some of the monks even cover their mouths with a piece of cloth in order to avoid the risk of swallowing an insect by mistake. Belief in reincarnation is strong and they believe that by following the right path shown by the Tirthankars, salvation or Moksha is possible. They also believe in the perfection of man's nature, which is achieved through monastic and ascetic life. The individual's primary duty is the perfection of his soul and that of his fellow creatures. They believe in the three ideals of

  • Samyagdarshana (right belief)
  • Samyagjnana (right knowledge)
  • Samyakcarita (right conduct)
This leads to the liberation of soul from the cycle of life after life.
The tirthankaras are liberated souls and have preached the way to liberation to others. Fasting plays a key role in a Jain's life. Some Jains observe the ritual death by fasting (sallekhana) towards the end of their natural lives.
Some six to seven thousand of Jains are ascetics or renouncers, called sadhus or munis (monks), and sadhvis (nuns). The nuns (nearly all Shvetambara) are greater in number and this imbalance seems to have been the case throughout Jain history.
Ascetics preach the religion and take good care not to cause any harm to any living thing. The covering of the mouth with a cloth to avoid accidental intake of any insect, the sweeping of the ground on which they walk are all a part of the tradition of non-violence. The ascetics are not supposed to stay at one place for very long for fear of attachment. During the rainy season, when there is an abundance of wildlife the ascetics stop moving as they might hurt the living beings. They stay in shelters called Upashrayas. During this retreat the major Shvetambara festival of Paryushana takes place (in August/September), when ascetics speak of the life of Mahavira.


In the 4th or 3rd century BC Jainism was divided into two sects called the Digambars (Sky-clad or naked) and the Svetambars (White-robed). The Digambars are austere and believe that one should possess nothing, not even clothes. They also believe that salvation is not possible for women. Their final division may have been due to a dispute over the authority of religious texts.
There are four groups of lesser gods

  • Bhavanavasis (gods of the house)
  • Vyantaras (intermediaries)
  • Jyotiskas (luminaries)
  • Vaimanikas (astral gods)

The earliest canonical texts and religious literature of the Jains have been lost, but the Shvetambaras claim that the essence of Mahavira's teaching, if not his actual words, is contained in their surviving canon. This is composed in Prakrit, and preserved orally within the monastic community until the 5th century AD when it was finally written down. The Digambaras, however, reject these Shvetambara texts as inauthentic, preferring the smaller "canon" of their own, based on the Prakrit works of the monk Kundakunda (circa 4th century AD).
Both sects contributed to Jain spiritual literature, in classical Sanskrit and various vernacular languages during the medieval period. And it was during this period that the Jains formed their distinctive philosophy, using a method of qualified assertion (syadvada) in association with the theory of the many-sided nature of reality (anekantavada).
Agama is the religious book of the Svetambars which is divided in several parts

  • 11 Angas
  • the Drstivada
  • 12 Upangas (subsidiary texts)
  • 4 Mula-sutras (basic texts)
  • 6 Cheda-sutras (concerned with discipline)
  • 2 Culika-sutras (appendix texts)
  • 10 Prakirnakas (mixed texts)
Digambaras have two holy works in Prakrit
  • the Karmaprabhrta (Chapters on Karma)
  • the Kasayaprabhrta (Chapters on Kasayas)

Holy Places
A large number of Jain temples, ancient and modern, can be found throughout the Indian subcontinent. Mount Shatrunjaya in Gujarat, and Mount Abu in Rajasthan are important pilgrimages. The huge rock-hewn statue of Bahubali (the son of the first tirthankara) at Shravana Belgola in Karnataka is perhaps the best-known Jain monument. It is also the object of a famous head-anointing ceremony, held every 12th year, which attracts thousands of Jains.
The Jains build stupas in honour of their saints. Jain temples have metal images of various types and metal plaques depicting auspicious symbols.
Pava Puri is one of the chief holy places of Jain pilgrimage. Rajgir and Parasnath Hill in Bihar, Mount Kesariaji in Rajasthan and Antariksa Parsvanatha in Akola, Maharashtra are other religious centres. The `Temple City' of Palitana in Gujarat is also a famous centre for pilgrimage. The cave temples of Udayagiri and Khandagiri in Orissa, Ellora in Maharashtra, Aihole in Karnataka and Sittannavasal in Tamil Nadu contain images depicting the lives of the Tirthankars.


Festivals are concerned with major events in the life of Tirthankars. The most popular Jain festival is Paryushana in the month of Bhadrapad (August-September). Twice in a year, for nine days, a fasting ceremony called Oli is observed by the Jains. Deep Diwali is celebrated on a full moon night in October-November in which the Jains commemorate the Nirvana of Mahavir. They also celebrate festivals common with Hindus like Holi, Navratri and Pongal.


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