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Zoroastrianism (Parsi)


 Indian Most Major Religions

| Faith | Holy Book | Festivals |

Founded in Persia between the sixth and seventh Century BC, Zoroastrianism is among the world's oldest religions. Parsis, most of whom have made Mumbai their home, are the followers of this religion. Parsis can also be found in Karachi, Pakistan, and Shiraj, in Iran. Its founder, Zoroaster, was born in Mazar-I-Sharif in Afghanistan. The Parsis worship him as Ahura Mazda.

Originally, the religion spread far and wide, but later got restricted to the three places mentioned above. In India, they came to be known as Parsis as they fled from persecution in Persia. They actually adopted Gujarat as their home, adopted the region's language and dress as their own and adapted themselves to the Indian culture by minimising blood sacrifice and surrendering to astrology and theosophy.

The religion believes that all scriptures are sacred, and this includes Gathas, Yashts and the Vendidad. All these are prayed in their fire temples, before the Sacred Fire, and these rituals are sacred and necessary for the religion. The Parsis believe that the only method of corpse destruction is 'Dakhma-nashini', which means destruction of the dead body in a stone enclosed Dakhma. The Parsis also believe that Ahura Mazda, their God, would send Saoshyant, the saviour, down to earth the defeat evil and further righteousness. Zoroastrianism holds a dualistic view of the world and man's destiny. Zoroaster (Zarathushtra), the Prophet was supposed to have instructed Pythagoras in Babylon. This religion is not as aggressively monotheistic as Islam and dualism, too, was not understood in an absolute, rigorous fashion.


Holy Book
The Holy Book, or the sacred text, of the Parsis is Zend Avesta and it hold the teachings of the founder Zoroaster. Most of the Gathas and Hymns are attributable to him.


The six seasonal festivals called the Gahambars are the important festivals of the religion. The New Year festival, Navroz, is the most joyous and beautiful of the festivals. Also important is the spring festival in the honour of Rapithwin, the personification of noonday and summer.


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