Paryushana is the retreat of the nomadic monks in the rainy season.
Monsoon showers and torrential rains made it impossible for the
monks to travel across the country. And as the Jains are strict
believers of the principle of Ahimsa or non-violence, it is very
difficult for them not to trample on and squash insects and other
forms of life that emerge in the monsoon. Paryushana is practised
for eight days by the Swetambara
sect of the Jains, while
celebrations last for ten days among the Digambaras.
Ten cardinal virtues of forgiveness, charity, simplicity, contentment, truthfulness, self-restraint, fasting, detachment, humility and continence are strictly followed during the retreat.
A unique custom is observed where they ask every individual they may have offended during the year for forgiveness. Quarrels are forgotten and friendships and relationships are renewed, and they fold their hands and ask for "Micchamidukadam" or forgiveness.
Where: Jain communities.