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- Why do affairs take place ?
- Marriage in the twentieth-century
- Why do people expect faithfulness after marriage ?

Why do such Affairs take place?

Most men and women who have affairs do not want their partner to know that they are unfaithful which they take care to cover and often, if challenged will deny the truth. But affairs are on the increase and for every affair discovered there are many more that continue in secret.Is ignorance less disturbing than discovering the truth?.

Q. Is it better to confess, or remain silent?
Q. Why do so many people risk so much for the excitement of illicit sex?
Q. What makes marriages vulnerable to affairs and why having been caught out once, do some     men and women betray their partner again and again?
Q. When adultery is discovered, how does it affect the marriage?
Q. What impact does it have on the children?

The most important reason for adultery is that both men and women have different priorities even after their marriage.

Most of the men's priorities are:-

(a) Delighting in the novelty of new sexual experiences.
b) Believing in their macho image.
c) The inability to resist temptation.
d) Thinking that if they are not caught, no harm is done.
e) Falling in love.

Women's priorities are almost exactly in reverse order.
They have affairs because :-

a) They fall in love � all is not well within the marriage.
b) They are looking for the intimacy of a close relationship.
c) They want romance back in their lives.
d) They want exciting sex.

Affairs are very exciting but they can also bring in an enormous amount of hurt and devastation. It is also important to remember that,even though it may be very painful, marriages can and do survive affairs.

Marriage in the twentieth-century

It was based on love, equality, sexual attraction and friendship, rather than security,status and the opportunity to leave home and start your own family. Women were expecting more from marriage,and if their expectations were raised, it would also mean that if they were not met, she would more likely look outside marriage for sexual or emotional fulfilment. Attitudes towards sex were also changing, particularly about sex before marriage
                     In olden times many women who married were virgins, the majority of people still disapprove of sex before marriage.Only a few men and women had sex with someone other than their spouse when they married. If you sow your wild oats before marriage you are more likely to be faithful after marriage. In fact, the reverse is true: the more promiscuous you are prior to embarking on marriage or a committed relationship, the more likely you are to stray afterwards.In the '60s there was the real start of the sexual revolution.
                     Sex before marriage started to become the norm and, by 1970, most couples had sex before marriage and did so with more than just one partner. If you had a serious relationship, it also included a sexual relationship.Sexual intercourse also began. With the combination of the growing influence of the women's movement, like the introduction of the pill, and freedom from any fear of Aids, meant that for many,sexual liberation had arrived. This sexual freedom increased over the next thirty years. It is now quite common for both sexes to have had a variety of sexual partners before marriage. But at the same time there are greater expectations from marriage. The modern idea of marriage supplies all, or nearly all, of each other's needs.

Why do people expect faithfulness from each other after their marriage ?

Love, friendship, and sexual compatibility are the themes of modern marriage. With such expectations there is also an increased emphasis on sexual exclusivity. Although in today's relationship people expect faithfulness from each other after their marriage,But adultery has actually increased among men, and especially among women. The majority of people are unfaithful more than once during the life of their marriage. It seems that the higher the expectations of marriage, the more is the discovery of an affair.In the more old-fashioned marriages, where couples were not looking to each other to fulfil their needs, emotional and sexual needs, it was easier to give a blind eye to their unfaithfulness.


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