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Jamshedji Navroz

Jamshedji Navroz

Navroz or Noruz, is the Parsi new year and is celebrated by those Parsis who follow the Fasli calendar. For them the New Year commences with the Vernal Equinox. This day also heralds the advent of spring. The symbolic victory of the forces of light over darkness is also celebrated.
Historically the New Year celebration goes back to the times of the legendary king of Persia, Jamshed. King Jamshed introduced solar reckoning into the Persian calendar, and also determined the date when the Sun enters the constellation of Aries, as the beginning of the year. According to legend King Jamshed forced the demons to carry him on their shoulders from Mount Demavand to Babylon on this day.
In the ancient times the king would be weighed in gold and silver, and the money distributed to the poor. People greet each other by doing the Hama-zor - united in strength, and visit the Fire Temple.

Where: In Parsi households anywhere in the country.


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