Ahilya was the wife of sage Gautama. Both lived
happily in his ashram spending their days in peace and holy meditation.
One day during the sage's absence from the ashram, Indira, filled
with unholy desires for the beautiful Ahilya, entered the ashram
disguised as Gautama and approached the lady. She was not deceived
by the impersonation, but vain of her beauty and proud that it had
won her the love of lord of the celestials, she lost her judgement
and yielded to his desire.
When the sin had been committed, realising the fierce spiritual
energy of her betrayed husband, she warned Indira of his terrible
peril and begged him to be gone in the instant. Indira was fleeing
in guilty panic, when he bumped into the rishi who was just returning
from his ablutions. The sage immediately guessing as to what had
happened looked loathfully at Indira.
The sage was very angry and cursed Indira that he would loose his
manhood immediately, as a punishment for the sin he had committed.
As soon as the rishi spoke these words, Indira became a eunuch.
Then the sage turned to his erring wife and said, "living on air,
you shall stay here, unseen by anyone. After a long time, Dasaratha's
son will pass this way. When he sets foot in this ashram, you will
be freed from the curse. " The sage then left his ashram for Himalayas
to engage himself in austerities there.
As years passed by Ahilya remained in the ashram as a stone idol
over which vegetation grew up with time. One day Lord Rama, son
of King Dashratha accompanies by Lakshman happened to pass by the
Ashram. He was on his way to Mithila. When he saw the ashram and
its poor condition, he was curious about the place. In order to
find out more he stepped into the ashram. And the moment Rama set
his foot in the Ashram, the curse was lifted and Ahalya stood before
them in all her beauty free from the curse that her husband had
inflicted on her.