Make Love Happen
Quote of the day You have only one moment in your hands -the real moment. And you will not get this moment again. Either you live it or you leave it unlived. --Osho 
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Gift suggestions for the day
Based on numerology the following items can be given as gifts to your partner:

1 Watch, painting, tie, jewellery box, briefcase, cookware, space saver, slide projector, tool set. 

2 Teapot, hobby set, purse, perfume, radio, stationery, stoneware, sheets, calculator, plants. 

3 Clothing, dishes, CD, CD player, flatware, skillet, furniture, grill, hair clipper. 

4 Fruit bowl, VCR, computer, blanket, kitchen appliances, microwave, tool set, chess set, watch, minicam, electronic games. 

5 Travel kit, calculator, VCR, spice set, bath oil, book, skates, skis, luggage. 

6 Gloves, perfume, painting, decorative piece, bakeware, silverware, furniture, copper, comforter.

7 Teapot, stationery, hobby set, bracelet, robe, bedding, camera, jacket, silverware, book, painting, reading light. 

8 Gift certificate, step stool, toiletries, raincoat, bakeware, scale, iron, radio, blouse, flatware. 

9 Clock, juicer, skates, crock pot, computer, rocker, towel set, humidifier, heater, electronic gadgets.

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