Make Love Happen
Quote of the day You have only one moment in your hands -the real moment. And you will not get this moment again. Either you live it or you leave it unlived. --Osho 
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Contributed by :--Siva Shyam

    Hi and vanakam to everyone who going to read this love name is shiva...there is so many type of loves in our life going on day by day. well my love stories is the similar to 'Youth' movie.yes, sometimes wat is happening in real life is the one directors make a love stories starts like this...let we go to 4 years back, can we?

4 years before i study at sultan abdul samad school. there, can say i'm a poriki..normally i won't enter classes, but exam time, i'll study hard.all my friends, i mean all got their girlfriends..but me no. because the way they love is not real love, even the girls, they love for fun. so, i hate to mix wid girls most of the time,unless i understand them very well. i, myself has so many approaches from..can say pretty girls too. well i'm not handsome enough, but i'm good lookig and enjoyable person. so, when the girls approach me, i don't know wat to say, and the next day i come out wid a idea, which i tell everyone i got girlfriend already{actually i don't}. the reason i told this is to keep me away from fake love life. i go to college, i do the same. i never feel wanna love sum1, even all pretty chicks around me{sorry girls}. now for my college break, i'm ok ok..the new giant at kelana jaya in a book store. after 3 weeks later, on 24 march 2004, i saw my 'devathai' san say as my knavu devathai. she is looking for a job, well on that time the company take no more staffs, stupid company.she ask me, looking to her eyes and i tell her no more vacancies. she smile, and left the shop. on that time i tot, its just an expression,how stupid i am, tot that way.

the second day, i saw her again at giant food court,she smile at me again and i reply. i didn't talk to her. the third day i saw her outside giant, man... she look gorgeous. can say she is brahma's special project.a week past, i didn't see her, i tell to god 'andava, if i see her again, can i make a decision that she is born for me, and i feel like god said yes to me'. on the search of her for a week, i already decide she is not made for me. when i back from the food court to my shop, i saw her..yes i saw my devathai working at inside of a girls dress shop.{sorry guys..i can't say where she is working} she throw a sweet smile at me, so i tot this is my chance to talk. i approach her and said hi, she reply. i wish her congrat to her to get a job. and i told her i been see her b4, she decline that and said no. and then i told her that i knew a friend who is staying in her area, nad she told me that was her sister. so we keep on week monday, i confess to her that i falling love wid her, but she told me all her personal love life to me. can't tell everything, this is her personal life. so, meanwhile i saw a guy come to her shop and wait for her, and then i tot he is her boyfriend, she introduce him (MR. A ) to me as a' friend'...but the guy astually know her for 6 months and told her that he loved her. if she tell me this earlier, honestly telling u guys, i will step down and let him. she is telling me this after i confess to her. i love her all of my heart. what is real meaning of love, understand, caring, give and take, patience, trust, and hope. so, now i think i should step down and let mr. a to get her. i told her this to by email, cause she never give me a minute to confess. she spend a lot of time wid him, less time wid me.u know y? she is really scared, if she spend a lot of time wid me means, she scared she will tell me that she is falling love wid me.

without telling each others that i love u is real love. u must understand this by urself. but when i told her i love her, u want to know wat she reply' I KNOW'.if she know that i love her b4 i told, means...i'm already deep inside her heart. i understand her very well, all her feeling, her sadness, her needs..but she ask me this question" U only know me for 3 weeks, meanwhile mr. a knows her 6 months, how u can say u love me?" and reply " To know a person we don't take 6 months or 1 years, i get to know u fully less than 3 hours". the best part of all this is, last friday i went home without telling her, and on the same day i didn't want to see her and talk to her, but she call me and ask me to "teman" here go home, she ask me where i am? i said on way to home, and ask her want me to come or not? she reply no need, she'll managed. after 2 minutes, she call me and ask me to come. so i go home and bring my car to fetch her home. she told me, that her father ask her to call him, if she have to come back alone..she tried to call the father and cannot get him, then she call me, not mr.a, mr.a got car, i don't. there is her love to me, now i decide to step down and let mr.a to love her. but i tell her this, if u come back to me, i promise u i won't let anyone take u away from me again, not even, to all readers, kindly bless me ans pray i and my devathai, miss.san.........will come together in life no matter wat happens. i need ur blessings..i'll write to you guys if i get her back, this is my promise to you...lovers bless me. if i didn't get her back, just think i already die...don't worry, i won't suicide...i will live forever wid her memory...thats is more than enough to me...but bless me plz.....bye.

kindly waiting,
siva......san....will be together?

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