Make Love Happen
Quote of the day You have only one moment in your hands -the real moment. And you will not get this moment again. Either you live it or you leave it unlived. --Osho 
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Contributed by :--Christina

    My dream for love was easy. I always knew how I had fall in love. My Prince Charming would come and sweep me off my feet and I would fall totally in love. On May 27th, 1996, My dream became a reality,for this was the day I found my soulmate, my other half, the missing piece of my heart, in short, my everything. Roddy and I have been together for almost 5 years now and everyday has been nothing but heaven. I am truly blessed for every minute I share with this precious angel. He only thinks he knows how much I love him.The sound of his voice makes my heart skip a beat and I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking of him. After all these years, he is STILL the one.

          The love of my life asked me to marry him on November 11, 2000. He took me out for dinner at Tavern on The Green in Central Park, and asked me to marry him with a big chocolate cake, that said "Will You Marry Me?" I was so completely surprised, I had no idea. My love got down on both knees and asked me to marry him, with the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. Of course, in case you are wondering, I said YES !!!! I can't wait for the day when I will finally marry the man of my dreams, My very own Prince Charming, straight from the fairy tale romance of our relationship together. I love him with my mind, my body, and my soul, truly, madly and deeply. You can just call us your modern day Romeo and Juliet. If being with him is a dream, than I hope to God that I never awaken from it. He is truly a gift from above.

          My wish for him, is that somehow, someway, he can know how much I love him. I can tell him how much I love him day after day, with my last breath, and it still won't be enough to make him see how he makes me feel and how much I love him. If I can make him even half as happy as he has made me by just being him, then I can die happy. Roddy My darling, You mean this entire world to me, there is nothing in this world I wouldn't do, just to see you smile. I love you for all you've been and all you continue to be. For showing me that true, unconditional love really does exist, and proving to me everday that I've found it in you. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

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