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Quote of the day You have only one moment in your hands -the real moment. And you will not get this moment again. Either you live it or you leave it unlived. --Osho 
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By Romeo and Juliet of

You're here and your boopie is waaay over there. So how do you keep a long distance relationship going? Not to mention that they're starting to act a damn fool. Read what our Lailla and Majnu says
I am in love with a man who's 12 years younger than me. I was reluctant to get involved with him but he came on to me. This is the problem: Generally, he respects me but is very inconsistent about our relationship. He only calls me in response to my calls.

There are some complications. We live two hours away from each other and we both work very long hours and don't see each other often. Despite this, he expects me to be available at the drop of a hat.

I refuse to sit around waiting for him to call or drop by unannounced. We recently broke up because of these reasons but I miss him. What should I do? I don't want him to think he can play me.

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Romeo Responds:-

Dear Troubled,

              I can very much understand your plight, but as the saying goes Love is Blind. Love happens on its own even if you are reluctant if it has to happen it will happen. I think you need to sit with your friend and clarify because as you say he respects you and is also inconsistent about your relationship. It seems that he is not as much concerned as you are and maybe not in love but just a physical attraction. Staying away is not at all a problem as today there are various ways of communicating.

          Infact you could be in touch with each other so constant as if you were staying together. (Instant messenger services, chatting, telephone, email). He is calling you when he needs you and is not bothered about your thoughts and needs, hence give a deep thought to it that does he really loves you. Even after he broke up with you is really bothered why all this happened.

          Since you have already broken up either you should sit tight and wait for him to call and when he does you should talk with him about all this and if you want you could send me him a mail or a card mentioning how you miss him but �� My advice to you would be that have a very frank talk with him as he must not be in love with you as you are with him. You could be quite good friends if this issue would be clarified.
Juliet Responds:-

              After reading to your problem - it seems that he (boy) fell in love with you, so wanted to go out for a relationship with you, but due to age gap or difference initially u were quite reluctant to go into a relationship with him. But certain circumstances made you (girl) fall in love with him(boy). As said by you (girl) you both are working (Even this can be a matter of worry) - Due to work load you both can't meet each other. So he started avoiding calling you.

                As you people are less exposed to each other, u people are not getting exposed to express ur feelings towards each other, which is creating sourness in ur relationship. I would suggest u both to go on weekends to a far off place were no work or any sort of tension will affect you both. And the reasons for that he want you at any moment of time may be, because when he is free you are not free & when you are free he is not free. But due to youur understanding nature you always adjust your schedule when he wants you, but when you must be calling he (even if he will's ) he must be facing problems to come out to meet you.
                So don't take it to your heart. Working lovers always have to face this problems. But by refusing to or keeping grudge against him will not work to keep up your relationship. Even if you have broke up you there are still chances to get back try to call him out as said before (week ends) and talk it out. He is not playing with you but can't help it due to his busy work schedule. Do understand dear......

My boyfriend and I are in our late 20s have been dating for two years. We haven't discussed marriage, although I think it's on both of our minds. How can I broach the subject without pressuring him?  
Romeo Responds:-

Hello Ms. To Mrs.

This is a very interesting transition as it comes in the lives of many couples who have started their love life. There are quite a few ways to convey what you want to depending upon the nature of your boyfriend.

(a) Be frank and clarify in the beginning only that you are not in any hurry but what are his views on marriage.
( b) Ask him what is the right age to become a father in today's world?
    The first option is heart to heart and the second will be enough to raise the topic for both of you to go in a discussion and then take a decision jointly. Incase you are not successful with the above two then please do let me know at
[email protected]
Juliet Responds:-

        If you are emotionally not secure, then just start it by just talking about friends who are married (known to both) and then ask him (in a way of proposing) will you marry me (Jokingly) and see the answer is right in front of you without any tension slowly then you can start telling him how much interested you are in marrying him. This also may create a sense of emotional security for both. Try it.

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