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Quote of the day You have only one moment in your hands -the real moment. And you will not get this moment again. Either you live it or you leave it unlived. --Osho 
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To prevent hair loss, particularly in males & females ,try some tips provided by our experts

Steam your hair at least twice a week. The proper way of steaming hair is to cover your head with a hot towel or expose your head to steam rising from a pot of boiled water. After

your bath, add 4 teaspoons of vinegar in the water and rinse your hair with it. When your hair has dried, rub vinegar again on your scalp, precisely at hair-roots. This precautions checks hair-loss considerably An age-old remedy is using til seeds at least during winters. This treatment makes your hair silky,dense,soft and long.

MEDICAL NOTES Pregnant women

must consume at least one piece of murabba of amla everyday to check hair loss due to hormonal changes. You can also boil a good quantity of Neem and Ber(a kind of berry available during winter) leaves in ajug full of water. Wash your hair with this concoction after straining and cooling it. This is also a very effective remedy.

Another Remedy:
Take the leaves of Basil(Tulsi) soak them overnight in water and then grind the soaked leaves with dried and crushed amla fruit. Now add the concoction in a bucket full of water and wash. This also helps in effectively checking hair loss. Ensure that this water does not enter your eyes while bathing as it might cause irritation.

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