- FAQ's |
NRI's - Bank Accounts |
General Banking Questions
- Can accounts be maintained by NRIs with
any bank in India?
Banks holding authorised dealers' licences (i.e. banks authorised to deal in foreign
exchange) or banks specifically authorised in this behalf by Reserve Bank can only
maintain accounts in the names of NRIs. Certain Co- operative/commercial banks (referred
to as authorised banks) have been specifically permitted to maintain accounts of NRIs
expressed in rupees even though they are not authorised dealers.
- Are NRIs permitted to maintain accounts in
rupees and in foreign currency?
Yes. Accounts can be maintained by NRIs in rupees as well as in foreign currency.
Accounts in foreign currencies can, however, be maintained with authories dealers only.
- Can NRIs maintain current/savings/fixed
deposit rupee accounts with authorised dealers/authorised banks in India?
NRO and NRE accounts can be maintained in current/savings/ fixed deposit form while
NRNR accounts can be only in fixed term deposits.
- What are the different types of
rupee accounts permitted to be maintained?
Three types of rupee accounts Viz. Non-resident (External) Rupee Accounts (NRE
account), Ordinary Non- resident Rupee Account (NRO accounts ) and Non-resident
(Non-repatriable) Rupee Deposit accounts (NRNR) are permitted to be maintained.
- Can proceeds of foreign currency
notes/travellers cheques be credited to NRE accounts without any restriction?
Authorised dealers have been permitted to credit the proceeds of foreign currency
notes/travellers cheques brought by the account holder from abroad during his visit to
India provided they are tendered in person. Where the amount of foreign currency notes
tendered exceeds U.S. $2,500 or its equivalent or the total amount tendered i.e. currency
notes and travellers cheques, are in excess of U.S. $10,000 or its equivalent, it should
have been declared to the Customs on the Currency Declaration Form (CDF) at the time of
the account holder's arrival into India. Further, in the case of travellers cheques, they
should be presented by the account holder himself and discharged by him in presence of the
official of the concerned bank.
- Can NRE accounts be opened by the
power of attorney holder in India on behalf of a non-resident?
- Can resident Power of Attorney
holder operate on the NRE accounts?
Yes, but only for local payments to be made on behalf of the account holder, In cases
where the account holder or a bank designated by him has been granted permission by
Reserve Bank to make investment in India, the Power of Attorney holder (POA) is permitted
to operate the account or facilitate such investment. POA holders cannot, however, make
gifts from NRE accounts.
- Can Power of Attorney holder credit
proceeds of foreign currency notes/bank notes and travellers cheques to the NRE accounts?
- What is the distinction between NRE
account and NRO account?
Balances held in NRE accounts can be repatriated abroad freely, whereas funds in NRO
account cannot be remitted abroad but used only for local payments in rupees.
Consequently, funds remitted from abroad or local funds which can otherwise be remitted
abroad to the account holder can only be credited to NRE accounts. Funds which do not
qualify, under the Exchange Control regulations, for remittance outside India are required
to be credited to NRO accounts.
- Can NRO/NRE accounts be maintained
by NRIs jointly with residents?
NRO accounts can be held jointly with residents, However, NRE accounts cannot be held
jointly with residents.
- What is the rate of interest payable
on such accounts?
In the case of NRE accounts, the interest rates for deposits up to one year should not
exceed Bank Rate minus 2 percentage points. Interest rates on term deposits of over one
year are determined by the banks themselves. Interest rates on NRO accounts are fixed as
in the case of domestic deposits.
- Are debits and credits to NRO
accounts allowed freely by bank maintaining the accounts?
Yes. Debits for local payments are allowed freely, Funds representing legitimate dues
of the accounts holder of proceeds of remittances received from abroad through banking
channels are permitted to be credited freely.
- What are the admissible debits and credits
to NRE accounts?
Debits for local payments/investments are allowed freely. Credits to an account, of
funds emanating from a local source would be permissible only if the funds are of a
repatrible nature i.e. eligible to be remitted abroad.
- Can funds in NRE/NRO accounts be
repatriated outside India?
Funds held in NRE accounts can be repatriated abroad freely. Funds held in NRO accounts
which would generally be from a local source cannot be repatriated outside India. Interest
earned on funds in NRO accounts during the financial year 1994-95 and onwards can however,
be remitted to the extent permitted by Reserve Bank (See Answers to Question 59 and 60).
- Can funds in NRE/NRO accounts be
utilised for payment of air fare to /from/in India of the account holder and/or his
Yes. Banks maintaining the accounts have been authorised to permit such payments,
Airlines/Shipping companies and their agents have also been permitted to accept payments
in rupees from the funds held in NRO/NRE accounts for the purpose.
- Are temporary overdrawings permitted
in NRO Savings Bank account?
Yes. Authorised dealers may allow such overdrawings up to Rs. 1,000/- subject to the
condition that the overdrawings together with the interest payable thereon are cleared
within a period of two weeks.
- Are NRO/NRE account holders eligible
for loans/overdrafts against their fixed deposits?
Yes. except for the purpose of relending, carrying on agricultural/plantation
activities or for investment in real estate business. Loans against NRE fixed deposits
can, however, be utilised for investments in India on non-repatriation basis, in certain
specified areas and for acquisition of flats/houses subject to prescribed conditions.
- What are the rates of interest
charged on such loans?
While interest on loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs against NRO/NRE fixed deposit accounts will
be charged two percent above the rates paid banks for the concerned deposits, repayment of
loans will have to be made either by adjustment of the deposits or by fresh remittances
from abroad. Banks are free to charge interest on loans above Rs. 2 lakhs.
- Can loans raised against NRE fixed
deposits be repaid out of funds in NRO accounts?
The loans raised against NRE deposits can be repaid out of NRO funds but in such
cases, the interest would be charged at commercial rate as in force from time to time.
- Is nomination allowed in NRO/NRE
- Is repatriation of funds belonging
to non-resident nominees permitted?
Funds held in NRO account will be allowed to be credited to the non-resident nominee's
NRO account only and no repatriation is permitted. Repatriation of funds from the deceased
person's NRE account will be permitted by authorised dealers.
- Is transfer of funds between NRE
accounts maintained by two different account holders permitted?
Yes. Authorised dealers can permit transfer of funds from the NRE account of one
person to the NRE account of another person for bona fide personal purposes. Transfers by
way of gifts are permitted subject to payment of gift tax.
- At what rates are remittances to
India by NRIs for credit to NRE/NRO/NRNR accounts converted into rupees?
Remittances made for credit to rupee accounts (i.e. NRE/NRO/NRNR accounts) maintained
by NRIs are converted at market rate.
- Is there any scheme under which
non-residents other than NRIs can also keep rupee deposits with banks in India?
Yes, NRI and other non-residents can maintain NRO rupee accounts as well as keep
deposits with banks in India under NRNR Rupee Deposit Scheme.
- How should an account under the
non-resident Non- repatriable (NRNR) Rupee Deposit Scheme be opened?
Such an account can be opened with an authorised dealer in India by remitting funds
from abroad in any convertible foreign currency. Under the NRNR Scheme, deposits
designated in rupees can be kept for periods ranging from 6 months to 3 years. NRIs can
also open such accounts by transferring funds from their existing NRE/FCNR accounts. No
penal interest is chargeable for premature withdrawal of NRE/FCNR deposits for the purpose
of making investments in the scheme. if the deposit is to be kept with the same authorised
- What is the rate of interest payable
on NRNR deposits?
Banks are free to determine the interest rate under this Scheme.
- Can the principal or the interest
accrued on NRNR deposits be repatriated outside India at any time?
The principal amount of the deposit is not eligible for repatriation . Interest earned
upto 30th September 1994 is also not eligible for repatriation. Interest earned for the
period beginning 1st October 1994 is,however,eligible for repatriation.or can be utilised
for opening fresh NRE/FCNR deposits, or can be credited to existing NRE accounts.
- Can the principal together with the
interest accrued on NRNR deposits be renewed, on maturity?
Only the principal amount of deposit could be renewed under the scheme upto 30th
September 1994. However, since interest accrued for the period from 1st October 1994 is
repatriable, the principal amount together with interest accrued for the period from 1st
October 1994 can be renewed under the scheme.
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