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Kulu Dushehra

Kulu Dushehra

Kulu Dushehra is celebrated in Himachal Pradesh around twenty days after the rest of the country has finished celebrating Dushehra. The people of Himachal go to Kulu carrying gold and silver images of gods and goddesses from all parts of the state. It is an important occasion and the processions are long and colourful. The festival is celebrated for ten days. Lord Raghunath is worshipped on the first day. Prayers, rituals and other celebrations mark the rest of the nine days. Natti dances and singing are also performed along with local folk celebrations. People attired in their native clothes throng the fairs. It is a time for celebration as well as brisk business. Traders from all over the valley set up stalls and shops and sell woollen shawls, caps, blankets, Pullan (the traditional footwear made from plant fibre and goat hair) and many other traditional handicrafts. The handicrafts of Kulu are on display during this time.

Where: Kulu region in Himachal Pradesh.


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