The Muslims celebrate Prophet
Muhammad's birthday all over the world on this day. His death anniversary
also falls on the same day, and the word Barah denotes the twelve
days of the Prophet's sickness. During these days, learned men and
scholars in mosques, focus on the life and noble deeds of the Prophet
and deliver sermons. In certain areas of the country, sandal rite
is performed over the symbolic footprints of the Prophet engraved
in stone. The ceremony begins with the anointing of a representation
of buraq, the horse on which the Prophet is believed to have ascended
to heaven. Buraq is kept near the footprints and anointed with sandal
paste or scented powder. The house and casket containing these are
elaborately decorated. Marsiyas (Elegies) are sung in memory of
the last days of the Prophet. The twelfth day is the Urs and is
a quiet ceremony in which people pray and give alms.
Where: All parts of the country. The Prophet's birthday falls on this day. His death anniversary also falls on the same day, the word barah standing for the twelve days of the Prophet's sickness.