resurrection of Christ is celebrated as Easter and follows Good
Friday or the day of Christ's crucifixion. The crucifixion is supposed
to have occurred at the time of the Jewish feast of Passover (called
Pesach in Hebrew). The term Easter comes from the Saxon word Eostre.
The Saxons, before adopting Christianity
used to hold an annual feast in honour of the ancient Teutonic goddess
of spring, Eostre. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following
the Paschal full moon. This is the first full moon after the vernal
equinox, March 21. Therefore, Easter Sunday moves between March
22 and April 25.
This holy day celebrates the triumph of life over death. Easter eggs made of marzipan, believed to have been given to children by the Easter bunny, are sold in confectionery stores, and bought by children.
Where: All over the country, wherever Christians live.