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 Indian Festivals



The birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity is celebrated every year on December 25. Christian believe that Jesus was born to Mary in Immaculate Conception and that Mary was a virgin. An angel had told her and Joseph that she would bear a special baby. Jesus was born in the stable in a manger in Bethlehem, after Joseph and Mary fled from Nazerath facing persecution. After the birth, three wise men or the Magi came to see Him, bearing gifts. They had seen a new star in the sky and had followed it to reach the special king.
In India, as in the rest of the world a midnight Mass is held at all the churches on the night of 24-25 December and people attend church the next day too. It is a time for cakes and turkey though most Christians in India substitute chicken for turkey. Christmas trees are put up and decorated in homes and department stores, stuffed with gifts and sweets.

Where: All over the country.


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