Annual Prize Giving – Swami Vipulananda Arts Society – Canada

Scarborough Village Recreation Centre 3600 Kingston Rd, Scarborough, ON, Canada

Swami Vipulananda Arts Society - Canada Annual Prize Giving வருடாந்த பரிசுளிப்பு விழா 2019 ! அனைவரையும் அன்புடன் அழைக்கின்றோம் !!


Carnatic Vocal Concert by VarnaRameswaran

Delta Academy Auditorium 1160 Birchmount Rd, Scarborough, ON, Canada

Dear Music lovers, Please mark your calendar for our September month program. Toronto’s own musician Varna Rameswaren is singing! "ரொரன்ரோ சங்கீத உத்சவ்" நடாத்தும் மாதாந்த இசை நிகழ்வில் இம்முறை திரு.வர்ண.ராமேஸ்வரன் அவர்கள் பாடுகிறார். இதற்க்கு ரொரன்ரோவின் முன்னணி இளம் இசைக்கலைஞர்கள் பக்கவாத்தியம் வாசிக்கிறார்கள். இசை இரசிகர்கள் அனைவரும் அன்போடு அழைக்கப்படுகின்றீர்கள். September 8th Sunday 6.00 pm


Bharati Park Initiative Launch

Frontline Community Services 3031 Markham Road Unit 26, Scarborough, ON, Canada

We are very excited to invite you to join in supporting the Bharati Park Campaign Launch. It is to take place on the September 11th from 6pm to 8 pm at Frontline Community Services, to remember and pay respect to Bharatiyar on the 98th year anniversary of his passing. Subramaniya


ஆச்சியின் கைவண்ணத்தில் மஞ்சள்

Markham Convention Centre 2901 Markham Rd, Toronto, ON, Canada

ஆச்சியின் கைவண்ணத்தில் மஞ்சள் There is a growing engagement in ethnic foods in Canada. Consumers are more educated about the food they’re eating and they’re seeking out stronger flavour profiles. Durham region is Ontario’s fastest growing city, very ethnically diverse, the core of Ontario’s cultural mosaic, with a truly unique culture


3rd Annual Markham Mental Health Awareness Walk

Unionville BIA 157 Main St Unionville b1, Unionville, ON, Canada

YPAM is proud to host the Markham Mental Health Awareness Walk. Mental health is an often dismissed topic in our day to day lives. The focus of this walk is to build awareness and create conversation to help break the stigma revolving around mental health. We encourage everyone to take


Musical Voyage

Flato Markham Theatre 171 Town Centre Blvd, Markham, ON, Canada

Are you ready ? For the CTCC’s Ownspace Project Fundraiser. Two Legends. One Stage. Mark your Calendar today! Tickets are on sale now 2 shows: 1.30 PM and 6.30 PM


Easy Entertaining Night 2019

Thamil Isai Kalaa Manram 1120 Tapscott Rd #3, Scarborough, ON, Canada

Easy Entertaining Night 2019


Sneham 2019

New Jaasmin Banquet Hall 90 Nolan Ct, Markham, ON, Canada

Hindu Ladies Colombo Alumni Association- Canada Proudly presents "Sneham 2019"

Central Night 2019

Grand Cinnamon Banquet & Convention 3895 McNicoll Ave, Scarborough, ON, Canada

Central Night 2019 - An Annual Dinner & Dance

Carmelion Star Night 2019

Baba Banquet Halls & Catering 3300 McNicoll Ave, Scarborough, ON, Canada

கல்முனை கார்மல் பற்றிமா கல்லூரியின் கனடிய கார்மல் பற்றிமா கல்லூரியின் இரண்டாவது ஆண்டு இன்னிசை இரவு 2019

If you have an event you’d like us to post, a suggestion on how we can make our calendar better, or any other question, please email us at info(at) You can also complete our online event submission form. We look forward to hearing from you!